Sunday 20 November 2011

Can't sleep, clowns'll eat me

While the reason why I'm lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, blinking isn't an extremely scary clown bed like Bart Simpson, I feel his pain. I have nothing to do tomorrow that's urgent so it's not like I have to be up at a specific hour, but I would have liked to have a good night's sleep.

The Boy is out of town visiting his family so I have the nice, big bed to myself. And even though I miss the warmth of a man next to me, I Love (yes, capital L) starfishing. You know, when you're in bed and just spread your arms and legs out to the point where you look like a starfish. It's so amazing and freeing.

And it's really frustrating that I can't enjoy it.

The reason I'm not in the wonderful land of sleep? I checked my work phone before going to bed and realized I have to tie up some loose ends tomorrow (today, really but it still feels like Saturday) for a things happening on Monday and while it won't take much time on my end, I wanted a dessert utopia of a weekend devoid of work.

I also have a few things stressing me out, but they are things I can't change - for the time being anyways - so I am trying my darndest to just stop thinking about them. Easier said than done for an expert, world class worrier such as myself but I'm going to try and see where that strategy will take me.

For now, I'm wide awake and will probably just watch some TV until I can get sleepy again. And I hope that won't be at nine o'clock at night.

UPDATE: I just bought a pair of boots online. Yeah. I need to sleep before I max out my credit card.

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